Addis Ababa, Mary Joy

Mary Joy Aid Through Development (MJATD), established in 1994 is a Non governmental organization (NGO). It works to improve the health and living conditions of some of the poorest people in Ethiopia. Mary Joy works in an integrated urban development programs in collaboration with different international NGOs, GO’s and Community Based Organizations. Mary Joy works towards empowering children, women, families and other undeserved community groups through integrated development programs.

Mary Joy, overleg

The Improving of Livelihoods is the major issue for Mary Joy. Poverty, particularly income poverty is one of the most prevalent problem that exposed the various social groups for health, malnutrition, illiteracy and general backwardness. The most highly victimized citizens include children, women and older persons and persons living with the HIV virus. Livelihood component is, therefore, one of the most important program that would address the Socio-economic gaps and priorities of the vulnerable Social groups by making sure of the following major interventions:
• Primary Health Care Services
• Education
• Economic Empowerment
• Environment Protection
More information can be find on

MaPaLaNa, Jan Luursema support the evalution of the past strategic plan and the making of a new Strategic Plan. The overall objective of this work was to undertake evaluation and impact assessment on the performance and achievements of the 2005-2010 Strategic Plan and develop a new Strategic Plan for the period of 2013-2017. We worked it at by taking in to account the evaluation and impact assessment output as an input for the development of the new SPM. We also involved stakeholders (with own staff, the government, client groups, board members) and considering the existing realities. In march 2012 we held a 3 days conference with board, management and stakeholders. Based on the results a new five year strategic plan is developed.
As a voluntair I went two times two weeks to Ethiopië. The first time visit I focused on the evaluatie and the secund time I was involved in the conference and worked on the new Strategic plan for the next 5 years. One of the main issues for Mary Joy for the next years is the improvement of the researched based integrated programs. Through own developed programs Mary Joy has to keep and found (new) partners/donors to realize this programs. For succes is changement with a strong vision necessary.

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